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目前的研究方向:(1)柔性可拉伸材料 (2)柔性自愈合材料




致力于可修复、耐疲劳性高强度纳米复合水凝胶的研制,并探究了其在智能柔性器件领域的应用前景。已在Nat. Synth.、Nat. Commun.等重要学术期刊发表论文28篇,被SCI他引1314次。

其中以第一/共同第一/通讯作者发表论文21篇(近五年14篇,IF>10的17篇, 3篇封面论文),包括Nat. Synth.(1篇)、 Nat. Commun.(3篇)、Chem(2篇)、J. Am. Chem. Soc.(1篇)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.(1篇)、Adv. Mater.(1篇)、Nano Lett. (3篇)、ACS Nano(1篇)等。第一/共同第一/通讯作者被SCI他引864次(其中4篇达到100次以上,单篇最高185次)。

多项工作被国际学术媒体Science China Chemistry、Science China Materials及Advanced Science News选为研究亮点报道,且得到了国内外研究同行的高度认可。2篇论文被ESI评为“Highly cited papers”,1篇论文入选Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights,1篇论文入选由中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院等联合出版的《2018研究前沿》。



(1)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“界面诱导聚合可控制备高取向性超薄导电聚合物纳米片及性质研究” (No.21503063)






合肥工业大学青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖 (2019)

金沙威尼斯欢乐人城青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖 (2019)




1. Haili Qin (#), Na Li (#), Hou-Ming Xu, Qiu-Yan Guo, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Double confinement hydrogel network enables continuously regenerative solar-to-hydrogen conversion, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202209687.

2. Yangyu Wang (#), Haili Qin (#), Zheng Li, Jing Dai, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Highly compressible and environmentally adaptive conductors with high-tortuosity interconnected cellular architecture, Nat. Syn., 2022, 1, 975-986.

3. Haili Qin, Yu Yan, Qibin Feng, Huan-huan Liu, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Rapid printing and patterning of tough, self-healable, and recyclable hydrogel thin-films toward flexible sensing devices, Nano. Lett., 2022, 22, 8101-8108.

4. Jing Dai (#), Haili Qin (#), Wen-Xuan Dong, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Autonomous self-healing of highly stretchable supercapacitors at all climates, Nano Lett., 2022, 22, 6444-6453.

5. Pan-Pan Jiang (#), Haili Qin (#), Jing Dai, Shu-Hong Yu, Huai-Ping Cong*, Ultrastretchable and self-healing conductors with double dynamic network for omni-healable capacitive strain sensors, Nano Lett., 2022, 22, 1433-1442.

6. Xiao-Xia Li, Min Wang, Jing Dai, Huanhuan Liu*, Haili Qin*, Assembled caseins as crosslinkers for tough, adhesive and self-healing hydrogels towards flexible sensors, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 14300-14309. 

7. Min Wang (#), Hong Chen (#), Xiao-Xia Li, Guo-Kai Wang, Can Peng, Wen Wang, Fan Zhang, Jianqing Wang, Huanhuan Liu*, Guoqing Yan*, Haili Qin*, An extremely transparent and multi-responsive healable hydrogel strain sensor, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 24096. 

8. Haili Qin (#), Ping Liu (#), Chuan-Rui Chen, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, A multi-responsive healable supercapacitor, Nat. Commun., 2021, 12, 4297.

9. Hong Chen, Can Peng, Lei Wang, Xiaoxia Li, Mei Yang, Huanhuan Liu*, Haili Qin*, Weidong Chen*, Mechanically tough, healable hydrogels synergistically reinforced by UV-responsive crosslinker and metal coordination interaction for wound healing application, Chem. Eng. J., 2021, 403, 126341.

10. Bai-Shen Wu, Yuan-Chao Ye, Zhen Li, Zhi-Yuan Liu, Yuan-Yuan Pei, Chuan-Rui Chen, Haili Qin*, Huanhuan Liu*, Acta Polym. Sinica (高分子学报), 2019, 50, 932-938.

11. Haili Qin (#), Tan Zhang (#), Na Li, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Anisotropic and self-healing hydrogels with multi-responsive actuating capability, Nat. Commun., 2019, 10, 2202.

12. Chuan-Rui Chen (#), Haili Qin (#), Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, A highly stretchable and real-time healable supercapacitor, Adv. Mater., 2019, 1900573.

13. Pin Song (#), Haili Qin (#), Huai-Ling Gao, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Self-healing and superstretchable conductors from hierarchical nanowire assemblies, Nat. Commun., 2018, 9, 2786.

14. Guo-Fei Wang (#), Haili Qin (#), Xiang Gao, Yi Cao, Wei Wang, Feng-Chao Wang, Heng-An Wu, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Graphene-thin films by noncovalent-interaction-driven assembly of graphene monolayers for flexible supercapacitors, Chem, 2018, 4, 896-910.

15. Sen Li (#), Haili Qin (#), Tan Zhang, Huai-Ping Cong*, Shu-Hong Yu*, Highly tough bioinspired ternary hydrogels synergistically reinforced by graphene/xonotlite network,  Small, 2018, 14, e1800673.

16. Haili Qin (#), Tan Zhang (#), He-Nan Li, Huai-Ping Cong*, Markus Antonietti, Shu-Hong Yu*, Dynamic Au-thiolate interaction induced rapid self-healing nanocomposite hydrogels with remarkable mechanical behaviors, Chem, 2017, 3, 691-705.

17. Haili Qin, Fujin Li, Dong Wang, Hongzhen Lin, Jian Jin*, Organized Molecular Interface-Induced Noncrystallizable Polymer Ultrathin Nanosheets with Ordered Chain Alignment. ACS Nano, 2016, 10(1), 948-956.

18. Haili Qin, Xiong Xiong, Dongmin Wu, Feng Zhang, Dong Wang, Xia Liu, Wensheng Yang*, Jian Jin*, Charge gradient-induced on-surface growth of ultralarge single-crystalline Ag nanomembranes for long surface plasmon propagation, Chem. Commun. 2015,51(10), 1957-1960.

19. Haili Qin, Dong Wang, Xiong Xiong, Jian Jin*, Free-standing, single-bilayer-thick polymeric nanosheet through spatially confined polymerization, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2014, 35 (11), 1055-1060.

20. Jian Niu (#), Dong Wang (#), Haili Qin, Xiong Xiong, Pengli Tan, Youyong Li, Rui Liu, Xuxing Lu, Jian Wu, Ting Zhang, Weihai Ni, Jian Jin*, Novel polymer-free iridescent lamellar hydrogel for two-dimensional confined growth of ultrathin gold membranes. Nat. Commun. 2014, 5, 3313.

21. Haili Qin (#), Dong Wang (#), Zengli Huang, Dongmin Wu, Zhicong Zeng, Bin Ren, Ke Xu, Jian Jin*, Thickness-controlled synthesis of ultrathin Au sheets and surface plasmonic property, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135 (34), 12544-12547.

22. Haili Qin, Jian Jin*, Xinsheng Peng, Izumi Ichinose, Mechanical properties of free-standing single layers of metallic nanocrystals. J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20 (5), 858-861.  

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