



Office:322,Shenghua Building


B.S.,Chemistry,Universityof Science and Technology,2006-2010

Ph.D.,AnalyticalChemistry,Universityof Science and Technology,2010-2015


FangLi received her B.S and Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from Universityof Science and Technology of China in 2010 and 2015, respectively,and then joined Hefei University of Technology. She chairs one NSAFJoint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundationof Chinaand one YoungScientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and participated in one national key research and development planproject of the Ministry of Science and Technology. As so far, she haspublished over 20 academic papers in journals such as Anal. Chem.,Biosens. Bioelectron., ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Sensor. Actual.B-Chem., and Talanta as first author or corresponding author. And shehas authorized 4 invention patents.


FangLi’s research interest focuses on the synthesis of functionalizednanomaterials with special chemiluminescence,electrochemiluminescence and catalytic properties for theirapplications in chemiluminescence, electrochemiluminescence andcolorimetric assays. Her research interest also includes thedevelopment of paper-based microfluidic detection devices coupledwith smartphone as detector.

  • Chemiluminescence

  • Electrochemiluminescence

  • Colorimetricassay

  • Nanozyme

  • Microfluidicdetection chip


FangLi has taught undergraduate classes in moderninstrumentanalysis.She has also taught graduate classes in principlesof spectraand moderntestingtechniques.

SelectedFunded Projects:

NSAFJoint Fund of the National Natural Science Foundationof China,U2230117, 2023-2025

YoungScientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,21605032,2017-2019

OpenFund of State Key Laboratory of Life Analytical Chemistry, NanjingUniversity, 2019-2020

OpenFund Key Projectof Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Advanced Catalytic Materials andReaction Engineering,2018-2019

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2017,Excellentadvisor for the graduation project (thesis),HefeiUniversity of Technology

2018,Firstprize in the "Basic Teaching Skills Competition for YoungTeachers",School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Hefei University ofTechnology

2018,Secondprize in the "Young Teachers' Basic Teaching Skills Competition,HefeiUniversity of Technology

2019,Excellentadvisor for the undergraduate graduation project (thesis),HefeiUniversity of Technology

2020,Moral Education and Talent Cultivation Award,HefeiUniversity of Technology

2021,Excellentadvisor for the undergraduate graduation project (thesis),Hefei University of Technology


FangLi*,Yachao Xi, Jianming Jiang, Hao Peng, Bing Li,* Jianbo He, JiangnanShu, and Hua Cui, OFluorobenzoicAcid-Mediated Construction of Porous Graphitic Carbon Nitride withNitrogen Defects for Multicolor Electrochemiluminescence ImagingSensing,Anal.Chem.,2022, 94, 26, 9306–9315.

FangLi*,Anqi Zhao, Zimu Li, Yachao Xi, Jianming Jiang, Jianbo He, Jue Wang,Hua Cui*, Multifunctionalized hydrogel beads for label-freechemiluminescence imaging immunoassay of acute myocardial infarctionbiomarkers, Anal.Chem.,2022, 94, 5, 2665-2675.

FangLi*,Lei Guo, Zimu Li, Jianbo He, Hua Cui*, Temporal-Spatial-ColorMultiresolved Chemiluminescence Imaging for Multiplex ImmunoassaysUsing a Smartphone Coupled with Microfluidic Chip, Anal.Chem.,2020, 92, 6827-6831.

ZimuLi, Min Zhu, FangLi*,Zhi Li, Anqi Zhao, Mohammad A. Haghighatbin, Hua Cui, Microfluidicpaper chip based multicolor chemiluminescence sensing strategy fordiscrimination of antioxidants, SensorActuat. B,2023, 393,134166.

FangLi*,Jianming Jiang, Hao Peng, Chaoxiong Li, Bing Li, Jianbo He,Platinum nanozyme catalyzed multichannel colorimetric sensor arrayfor identification and detection of pesticides, SensorActuat. B,2022, 369,132334.

FangLi,Yating Liu, Zimu Li, Qi Li, Xiaoying, Liu, Hua Cui*, Cu(II) Regulatedon-site Assembly of Highly Chemiluminescent MultifunctionalizedCarbon Nanotubes for Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Activity, ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces,2020, 12, 2, 2903-2909.

FangLi*,Lei Guo, Yuting Hu, Zimu Li, Jiachang Liu, Jianbo He, Hua Cui*,Multiplexed chemiluminescence determination of three acute myocardialinfarction biomarkers based on microfluidic paper-based immunodevicedual amplified by multifunctionalized gold nanoparticles, Talanta,2020, 207, 120346.

FangLi*,Jiachang Liu, Lei, Guo, Jihang Wang, Kaiqi Zhang, Jianbo He, Hua Cui,High-resolution temporally resolved chemiluminescence based ondoublelayered 3D microfluidic paper-based device for multiplexedanalysis,Biosens. Bioelectron.,2019, 141, 111472.

FangLi*,Xu Wang, Jiachang Liu, Yuting Hu, Jianbo He, Double-layeredmicrofluidic paper-based device with multiple colorimetric indicatorsfor multiplexed detection of biomolecules, SensorActuat. B,2019, 288, 266–273.

RuiYang#,FangLi#,Wencan Zhang, Wen Shen, Di Yang, Zhiping Bian, and Hua Cui*,Chemiluminescence immunoassays for simultaneous detection of threeheart-disease biomarkers using magnetic carbon composites andthree-dimensional microfluidic paper-based device, Anal.Chem.,2019, ‏91(20), 13006-13013.