Shikui Han


FacultyName:Shikui Han



Office:313, Shenghua Building



B.S.,AppliedChemistry, Hefei University of Technology,2002-2006

M.S.,MaterialsPhysics and Chemistry, Instituteof Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences (ASIPP),2006-2009, Supervisor: Prof. MingtaiWang

Ph.D.,Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Scienceand Technology of China (USTC), 2009-2013, Supervisor: Prof.Shuhong Yu

Postdoc,School of Materials Science & Engineering, NanyangTechnological University (NTU),2013-2017, Cooperative Supervisor: Prof. HuaZhang


Shi-KuiHan received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Science andTechnology of China under the supervision of Prof. Shu-Hong Yu in2013. Then he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Hua Zhang atNanyang Technological University (Singapore; 2013-2017). He iscurrently a professor at the Hefei University of Technology. Hisresearch interests focus on the solution-phase synthesis andapplications of nanoheterostructures and two-dimensionalnanomaterials. Currently, dozens of heteronanostructures have beenobtained by solution process, such as Cu1.94S-CuS,Cu1.94S-ZnS-Cu1.94SCu1.94S-ZnS-Cu1.94S-ZnS-Cu1.94SCu1.94S-CuSAg2S-ZnSAg-Ni3S2Ag-ZnSAg-AgInS2Ag-BiBi-Cu7S4Ag2S-Fe7S8WOn-WX2(n=2.7, 2.9, X=S, Se)MoSe2-Co2PMoSe2-Ni2Pand so on. And the relevant work have been published on theprestigious international journal, such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew.Chem. Nano. LettChem.Soc. Rev. and so on.


Withthe development of the preparation of heteronanostructures, colloidalsemiconductor heteronanostructures have shown a huge potential ofapplications in photovoltaic devices, high-performance catalysis,biological and biomedical sensing, and so on. Professor Han’s labhas mainly been focusing on the solution process for thesemiconductor heteronanostructures and their photoelectricproperties. The formation and charge transfer mechanism,photoelectric catalytic properties of the binary heteronanostructureshave been studied. It will provide a new strategy for the rationaldesign and large scale preparation of binary heteronanostructureswith photoelectric properties.

Keywords:Colloidal Synthesis, Heterostructure, Nanocrystals, Semiconductor,Catalysis



ChemicalExperiment Safety and Accident Prevention

SelectedFunded Projects:

TheNational Natural Science Foundation of China, Precise preparation ofvisible light responsive CuIn1-xGaxS2-basedheteronanostructures for efficient photocatalytic hydrogenproduction, No. 22171065, 2022-2025

TheAnhui Province Key Research and Development Plan, Research anddevelopment of electric separation process for magnesium in brineafter potassium extraction, No. 202104e11020005, 2021-2023

TheHefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale,Precise Synthesis of Copper Based Nanoheterojunctions and Their CO2Electroreduction Performance, No. KF2020005, 2020-2022

SelectedAwards and Honors:

CASPresident Scholarship in USTC (2013)

QiushiGraduate Student Scholarship for the top 1% students in USTC (2012)

ExcellentGraduate of Anhui Province (2006)


[1]Wan-Hong Li, Hou-Ming Xu, Lei Shi, Dong Zheng, Chao Gu* and Shi-KuiHan*.Region-Controlled Framework Interface Mediated Anion ExchangeChemical Transformation to Designed Metal PhosphosulfideHeteronanostructures. NanoLett.2023,23,3858-3865.

[2]Ting-Ting Yin, Hou-Ming Xu, Xiao-Long Zhang, Xiaozhi Su,* Lei Shi,Chao Gu* and Shi-KuiHan*.Mn-Incorporation-Induced Phase Transition in Bottom-Up SynthesizedColloidal Sub-1-nm Ni(OH)2Nanosheets for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Catalysis. NanoLett.2023,23,3259–3266.

[3]Chao Gu, Yu-Qing Liu, Guo-Qiang Liu, Hou-Ming Xu, Yi Li, Xiao-LongZhang, Liang Wu, Lei Shi, Shi-KuiHan*,Min-Rui Gao and Shu-Hong Yu*. Modular divergent creation ofdual-cocatalysts integrated semiconducting sulfide nanotriads forenhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. NanoRes.2022,16,7967-7973.

[4]Zi-Yu Fu, Hou-Ming Xu, Wan-Hong Li, Guan-Ping Jin*, and Shi-KuiHan*.Phase Transformation from Amorphous RuSxto Ru-RuS2Hybrid Nanostructure for Efficient Water Splitting in Alkaline Media.Inorg.Chem.2023,62,583−590.

[5]He Ou-Yang, Hou-Ming Xu, Xiao-Long Zhang, Yu-Qing Liu, Yu-Qing He,Lei Shi, Chao Gu,* and Shi-KuiHan*.Selective-Epitaxial Hybrid of Tripartite Semiconducting Sulfides forEnhanced Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion. Small2022,18,2202109. Frontispiece.

[6]Chao Gu, Hou-Ming Xu,Shi-Kui Han*,Min-Rui Gao and Shu-Hong Yu*. Soft chemistry of metastable metalchalcogenide nanomaterials. Chem.Soc. Rev.2021,50,6671–6683.

[7]Hou-Ming Xu , Chao Gu, Xiao-Long Zhang, Lei Shi, Qiang Gao, ShaojinHu, Shi-KuiHan*,Xiao Zheng, Min-Rui Gao* and Shu-Hong Yu*. Phase-Controlled 1TTransition-Metal Dichalcogenide-Based Multidimensional HybridNanostructures. CCSChem.2021,3,58–68.

[8]Shi-KuiHan# ,Xuyong Yang# , Yihan Zhu# , Chaoliang Tan# , Xiao Zhang, Junze Chen,Ying Huang, Bo Chen, Zhimin Luo, Qinglang Ma, Melinda Sindoro, HaoZhang, Xiaoying Qi, Hai Li, Xiao Huang, Wei Huang, Xiao Wei Sun,* YuHan,* and Hua Zhang*. Synthesis of WOn-WX2(n = 2.7, 2.9; X = S, Se) Heterostructures for Highly Efficient GreenQuantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes. Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.2017,56,10486 –10490.

[9]ShikuiHan†,Chao Gu†, Songtao Zhao†, Sen Xu, Ming Gong, Zhenyu Li*, Shu-HongYu* Precursor triggering synthesis of self-coupled copper sulfidepolymorphs with enhanced photoelectrochemical properties. J.Am. Chem. Soc. 2016,138,12913–12919. FrontCover. Featuredby JACS Spotlights: HeteronanostructurePolymorphs with Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Properties.

[10]ShikuiHan†,Chao Gu†, Ming Gong, and Shu-Hong Yu* A Trialkylphosphine-DrivenChemical Transformation Route to Ag and Bi Based Chalcogenides. J.Am. Chem. Soc. 2015137,5390-5396.