Hao Luo


FacultyName:Hao Luo



Office:427, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Applied Chemistry, Chongqing University, 2009-2013;

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Chongqing University, 2013-2018;

(Jointtraining between ICCAS and Chongqing University, 2015-2018)

Postdoc,Joint training between ICCAS and Shenzhen University, 2018-2020


Dr.Hao Luo obtained his bachelor's degree from Chongqing University in2013. He then pursued his doctoral studies at Chongqing University,completing his Ph.D supervised by Professor Zidong Wei in 2018.During his doctoral studies, he was jointly trained at the Instituteof Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) from 2015 to 2018.Afterward, he continued his research and studies in the researchgroup led by Professor Jinsong Hu at ICCAS from 2018 to 2020. In2020, he joined Hefei University of Technology as an assistantprofessor. His research focuses on the development of new functionalnanomaterials for efficient electrochemical energy conversion, suchas metal-air batteries, fuel cells. He has published some papers inpeer-reviewed journals such as Matter.,
Small,Carbon, Chem. Common,etc.


Weare currently dedicated to the research of the applications offunctional nano-materials in catalysis and energy, with the goal ofunderstanding the scientific connections between material internalstructures and performance and developing advanced energy catalyticmaterials.

Nanomaterials,Nanomaterials Synthesis, Catalysis and Energy Storage,Structure-Performance Correlations;


ModernInstrument Analysis

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Controllableconstruction and performance study of high-density dual-activecomponent non-noble metal alkaline hydrogen oxidation catalysts,Grant No.22209033, Young Scientists Fund of the National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 2023.1-2025.12;

  2. Chemicalsynthesis research services for key solid electrolyte materials,Grant No.W2022JSFW0166,Corporate cooperation, 2022.1-2023.12;

  3. Researchon the construction and oxygen catalytic performance ofhigh-efficiency heterostructure composite materials, Grant No.PA2022GDSK0047,Advanced Catalytic Materials and Reaction Engineering AnhuiProvincial Key Laboratory Open Fund, 2022.1-2023.12.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

7thAnhui Province "Internet+" College Student Innovation andEntrepreneurship Competition, Silver Prize Instructor

"8thHefei University of Technology "Internet+" College StudentInnovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, Silver Prize Instructor"


  1. HaoLuo#,Cong Lin#,Yang-En You, etal, Junliang Sun*, Zidong Wei*, and Jin-Song Hu*. AnUltralong Single-Crystalline Nanoporous 3D Transition Metal-OxoFramework Nanowires Family, Matter,2023, 6, 3598-3607.

  2. PanQi, Mengxu Chen, Teng Luo, Changjiu Zhao, HaoLuo*,Dawei Zhang*.Solid-state self-catalyzed growth of N-doped carbon tentacles onM(Fe, Co)Se surface for rechargeable Zn-air batteries,Chem.Commun,2023, 59, 5898-5901.

  3. YajunZhao, Wenhao Tang, Wenhong Liu, Xianghua Kong, Dawei Zhang*, HaoLuo*,etal. Interfacial Engineering of Co3O4/Fe2O3Nano-Heterostructure Toward Superior Li-O2Batteries,Small,2023,19, 2205532

  4. LeiDing, Tianyue Huang, Dawei Zhang*, etal, and HaoLuo*.Co3O4/Conano-heterostructures embedded in N-doped carbon for lithium-O2batteries,Electrochim.Acta,2022, 423, 140577.

  5. HaoLuo;Cong Lin; Hongbin Zhou; etal; Dawei Zhang*; Yan Yu*; Introducingmetal-organic nanotubes to derive high-density bimetal alloynanoparticles supported on nanorods for lithium-oxygen batteries,Adv.Mater. Interfaces,2022, 210, 2102110

  6. YajunZhao; Lihao Zhang; Pan Qi; HaoLuo*;etal; Space-confined pyrolysis strategy to self-catalyze the growthof carbon nanotube-wrapped Co3O4electrocatalyst for lithium-O2batteries, J.Alloys Compd.,2022, 905, 164023

  7. HaoLuo, Wen-JieJiang, Shuai Niu, etal, Chuanxin He* Jin-Song Hu*. Self-CatalyzedGrowth of Co-N-C Nanobrushes for Efficient Rechargeable Zn-AirBatteries. Small,2020,2001171.

  8. HaoLuo,Wen-Jie Jiang*, Cong Lin, etal, Zi-Dong Wei* Jin-Song Hu*.Solid-State Synthesis of coalline-like nanostructured Co@CoNCcatalyst for Zn-air battery. Chem.Commun,2018, 54, 8190-8193.

  9. HaoLuo,Wen-Jie Jiang, etal, Zi-Dong Wei* Jin-Song Hu*. Self-TerminatedCarbonization Activation for High-Yield Production of N, P-CodopedNanoporous Carbon as an Efficient Metal-Free Electrocatalyst forZn-Air Battery. Carbon,2018, 128, 97-105.