Qi Wang


FacultyName:Qi Wang



Office:608, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, XiamenUniversity,1996-2000

M.S.,Physical Chemistry, XiamenUniversity,2001-2004

Ph.D.,Industrial Catalysis, ClarksonUniversity,2004-2007


Qi Wang began hisresearch career as an undergraduate student under the direction ofProfessor Yiquan Yang at Xiamen University. He received the Ph.D.degree in Industrial Catalysis from Xiamen University in 2007, andthen joined Hefei University of Technology in the summer of 2007 asan Assistant Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering. Hisresearch focuses on the development of catalysts in the fields ofenvironment, energy, and petrochemicals.


Based on theunderstanding of the reaction process, develop new heterogeneouscatalysts. Research interests include C1 catalytic conversion,environmental catalysis, etc. Such as methanol reforming, esterhydrogenation, alcohol amination, SCR denitrification.

  • C1catalysis

  • environmentalcatalysis



SelectedFunded Projects:

  • Developmentof Polymer Denitration Agents, Enterprise Commissioned Projects,2021-2023

  • IndustrialApplication Evaluation and Repair Technology Development of DualFunctional Catalysts, Enterprise Commissioned Projects, 2022-2023

  • Researchon Key Technologies for Preparation of Trimellitic Acid by LiquidPhase Catalytic Oxidation Method, Projects of Huangshan City,2021-2023

SelectedAwards and Honors:

  • AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Award, First Prize (2017)

  • ChinaIndustry University Research Cooperation Innovation AchievementAward, Second Prize (2017)

  • ChinaCircular Economy Association Science and Technology Award, FirstPrize (2014)

  • YoungTeachers' Lecture Competition at Hefei University of Technology,Second Prize (2011)

  • TheFirst Micro Course Teaching Competition of Hefei University ofTechnology, Second Prize (2013)


  1. ShiyuGuo, Dongjie Cao, Peirong Xiao, Genlei Zhang*, QiWang*,Peng Cui*. Activating Pd Nanoparticles on Oxygen-Doped g-C3N4 forVisible Light-Driven Thermocatalytic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol,InorganicChemistry,2022, 61(39), 15654-15663.


  1. QinglinLi, Tao Song, Yinpan Zhang, QiWang*,Yong Yang*. BoostingPhotocatalytic Activity and Stability of Lead-Free Cs3Bi2Br9Perovskite Nanocrystals via In Situ Growth on Monolayer 2D Ti3C2TxMXene for C-H Bond Oxidation,ACSApplied Material Interfaces,2021,13(23),27323–27333.


  1. QinglinLiTaoSongZhaozhanWangXiaoxueWangXinZhou, QiWang*YongYang*. A General Strategy toward Metal Sulfide NanoparticlesConfined in a Sulfur-Doped Ti3C2TxMXene 3D Porous Aerogel for Efficient Ambient N2Electroreduction, Small,2021, 17(45), 2103305


  1. XuanGe, Hang Sun, Kun Dong, Yanqi Tao, WangQi*,Yazhong Chen*, et al. Copper-cobalt catalysts supported onmechanically mixed HZSM-5 and Al2O3for higher alcohols synthesis via carbon monoxide hydrogenation, RSCAdvances,2019, 9(26), 14592-14598.


  1. WangQi*, Ling Qiu, Ding Ding, Yazhong Chen, Chenwu Shi, Peng Cui, et al.Performance enhancement of Cu/SiO2catalyst for hydrogenation of dimethyl oxalate to ethylene glycolthrough zinc incorporation, CatalysisCommunications,2018, 108, 68-72.
