Jianhui Xie


FacultyName:Jianhui Xie


Office:316, Shenghua Building



B.S.,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, ShandongUniversity,2006-2010

Ph.D.,Department of Chemistry, CityUniversity of Hong Kong,2010-2015

Postdoc,Department of Chemistry, CityUniversity of Hong Kong,2015-2016


JianhuiXie became an undergraduate student in the School of Chemistry andChemical Engineering at Shandong University in 2006. Upon receivinghis B.S. in chemical engineering and technology from ShandongUniversity in 2010, he joined the group of Prof. Tai-Chu Lau as aPh.D. student in the Department of Chemistry at City University ofHong Kong, to pursue a PhD degree in Inorganic Chemistry. Theresearch field of his Ph.D. study is focused on the reactivity ofhigh-valent metal nitrido and oxo complexes. After receiving hisPh.D. degree in 2015, he continued his research in Prof. Lau’sgroup. In January 2017, he joined Hefei University of Technology asan assistant professor. His current research focuses on the synthesisof metal complexes and metal nanoparticles-based materials, that canbe used for electrocatalysis and photocatalysis, including hydrogenevolution and CO2reduction and NH3oxidation.


Researchin Jianhui Xie’s group involves the synthesis of metal complexescontaining metal-ligand multiple bonds such as metal nitrido and oxocomplexes. These kinds of complexes are key intermediates inbiological oxidation systems and industrial oxidation processes. Thestudy of these complexes can help to understand the reactionmechanism and improve their activity. Jianhui Xie’s group alsoworks on the synthesis of inorganic materials, which can be used forelectrocatalysis and photocatalysis including hydrogen evolution andCO2reduction and NH3oxidation, finally to find an efficient catalyst for energyconversion.







JianhuiXie currently teaches the course of Physical Chemistry.

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Synthesisof Highly Active Chromium Nitrido Complexes and the Study on itsReactivity with Organic SubstratesGrantNo. 21801058, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2019-2021.

  2. Synthesisof Ruthenium Nitrido Complexes and Their Effects on the Activationof C-N Bonds and C-H Bonds in Amine Substrates, Grant No.1808085QB28, Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 2018-2020.

  3. Studyon the Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Oxidation of Organic Compoundsby Ruthenium-based Complexes Containing Terminal Oxidizing Ligands,Grant No. 1808085QB28, Fundamental Research Funds for the CentralUniversities, 2021-2022.

  4. Studyon the Preparation and Forming Technology of Iron Based SoftMagnetic Composite Materials, GrantNo. W2023JSFW0214,2023-2026.


  1. Leiyu Wang,Jing Chen, Tingting Yang, Yingying Liu*,Zhenguo Guo*, Jianhui Xie*.PhotocatalyticCO2reduction to CO by Cobalt(II) Pyridinyl-1,3,5-Triazine-Diaminecomplexes. TransitionMetal Chemistry.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11243-023-00557-4.

  2. BingLi, Leiyu Wang, Huijing Liu, Jing Chen, JianhuiXie*,Yingying Liu*, Tai-Chu Lau*. In Situ Generation of Pt2Co3Nano-Alloys in Porous N-Doped Carbon for Highly EfficientElectrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. ChemCatChem2023, 15, e202300023.

  3. JianhuiXie,Yijun Li, Denggen Nie, Leiyu Wang, Jing Chen, Bing Li, Jian-Bo He*,Zhenguo Guo*, Tai-Chu Lau*. Minutely dispersed ruthenium intremella-like N-doped carbon for enhanced visible-light-drivenphotocatalytic hydrogen production by CdS quantum dots. Inorg.Chem. Front.,2022, 9, 4999–5007.

  4. YunlingPan, Lin Cheng, Yi Pan, Wai-Lun Man, Shek-Man Yiu, JianhuiXie*,Kai-Chung Lau*, Tai-Chu Lau*. Facile C–N bond cleavage of primaryaliphatic amines by (salen)ruthenium( VI ) nitrido complexes. DaltonTrans.,2022, 51, 5404-5408.

  5. YijunLi, Huijing Liu, Bing Li, Zhenzhen Yang, Zhenguo Guo, Jian-Bo He,Jianhui Xie*,Tai-Chu Lau*.Rusingle atoms and nanoclusters on highly porous N-doped carbon as ahydrogen evolution catalyst in alkaline solutions with ultrahighmass activity and turnover frequency. J.Mater. Chem. A,2021, 9, 12196.

  6. HuijingLiu, Yijun Li, Yunling Pan, JianhuiXie*,Bing Li, Zhenguo Guo*, Tai-Chu Lau*. Roles of Co Dopants inElectrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution by N Rich Carbon NanotubesGrafted on Carbon Layers.ACS Appl. Nano Mater.2021, 4, 11830−11840.

  7. JianhuiXie*,Bing Li, Huijing Liu, Yijun Li, Jian-Bo He, Yanzhen Zheng, Kai-ChungLau*, Tai-Chu Lau *. Hydrogen atom transfer in the oxidation ofalkylbenzenesulfonates by ferrate( VI ) in aqueous solutions.DaltonTrans.,2021, 50, 715-721.

  8. BaochengZheng, Li Ma, Bing Li, Dong Chen, Xueliang Li, Jianbo He, JianhuiXie*,Marc Robert*, Tai-Chu Lau*. pH universal Ru@N-doped carbon catalystfor efficient and fast hydrogen evolution.Catal. Sci. Technol.,2020, 10, 4405–4411.