Ya-Rong Zheng


FacultyName:Ya-Rong Zheng



Office:301, Shenghua Building



EducationandWork Experience:

B.S.,Polymer Materials and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,2006-2010

Ph.D.,Inorganic Chemistry, Universityof Science and Technology,2010-2015

Postdoc,Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale,Universityof Science and Technology,2015-2018

Postdoc,Department of Physics, TechnicalUniversity of Denmark,2018-2021


Ya-RongZheng received his PhD degree from the University of Science andTechnology (USTC) under Prof. Shu-Hong Yu in 2015. Then he did thepostdoctoral research at Hefei National Laboratory for PhysicalSciences at Microscale in USCT from 2015 to 2018. After that, heworked as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Ib Chorkendorff atTechnical University of Denmark (2018-2021). He is currently aprofessor at the Hefei University of Technology. He has authored andco-authored more than 40 refereed journal publications published inNat.Energy, Nat. Commun., Adv. Mater. etc.(H-index 30 and >5300 citations), and 4 patents.





In-situcharacterization techniques



SelectedFunded Projects:

GrantNo. 22275047, General Program of National Natural Science Foundationof China, 2023-2026

GrantNo. 21703228, Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2018-2020

SelectedAwards and Honors:

AnhuiProvince High-level Talent Youth Program


  1. Ya-RongZheng#,Jerome Vernieres#,Zhenbin Wang#,Ke Zhang#,Jens K. Nørskov*,Ib Chorkendorff*,et al., Monitoring oxygen production on mass-selectediridium–tantalum oxide electrocatalysts, NatureEnergy,2022, 7, 55-64.

  2. Ya-RongZheng#,Shaojin Hu#,Xiao-Long Zhang#,Min-Rui Gao*,Shu-Hong Yu*,et al., Black Phosphorous Mediates Surface Charge Redistribution ofCoSe2for Electrochemical H2O2Production in Acidic Electrolytes, AdvancedMaterials,2022, 43, 2205414.

  3. ZhenbinWang#,Ya-RongZheng#,Jens K. Nørskov*,et al., Origins of the instability of non-precious HER catalysts atopen circuit potential, ACSEnergy Letters,2021, 6, 2268-2274.

  4. ZhenbinWang, Ya-RongZheng,Ib Chorkendorff, and Jens K. Nørskov*.Acid-stable oxides for oxygen electrocatalysis. ACSEnergy Letters,2020. 5, 2905-2908.

  5. Xiao-LongZhang#,Shaojin Hu#,Ya-RongZheng#,Min-Rui Gao*,Shu-Hong Yu*,et al., Polymorphic cobalt diselenide as extremely stableelectrocatalyst in acidic media via a phase-mixing strategy, NatureCommunications,2019, 10, 5338.

  6. Ya-RongZheng,Ping Wu, Min-Rui Gao*,Shu-Hong Yu*,et al., Doping-induced structural phase transition in cobaltdiselenide enables enhanced hydrogen evolution catalysis, NatureCommunications,2018, 9, 2533.

相关研究成果在国际高档次期刊Nat. Synth.Nat. Commun.等发表论文100余篇,授权发明专利30余项。承担国家基金委优青、国家基金委重点项目、中德国际合作与交流项目、国家基金委面上项目、安徽省杰青等;荣获国家自然科学二等奖1项、安徽省科学技术奖一等奖2项。