Zheng Zheng


FacultyName:Zheng Zheng



Office:723, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Chemistry, AnhuiUniversity,2006-2010

M.S.,Organic Chemistry, AnhuiUniversity,2010-2013

Ph.D.,Chemistry, ÉcoleNormale Supérieure de Lyon,2013-2016

Postdoc,Chemistry, TheHong Kong University of Science and Technology,2016-2020


ZhengZheng received his B.S. in Chemistry and M.S. in Organic Chemistry atAnhui University in 2010 and 2013, respectively. Zheng was funded bythe China Scholarship Council (CSC) and completed his Ph.D. inChemistry at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon in France in 2016. Hethen moved to The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology inthe Department of Chemistry as a postdoctoral fellow working in thegroup of Prof. Ben Zhong Tang. In the middle of 2020, he joinedthe School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Hefei Universityof Technology as a full Professor. His research focuses on thedevelopment of novel functional organic fluorophores and explorationof their biological applications. Zheng has published over 40 papersin peer-reviewed journals. He is the recipient of the Third Prize ofAnhui Natural Science Award (2020) and Anhui Province Hundred TalentsPlan (2022).


  1. Design,synthesis and application of aggregation-induced emission materials;

  2. Developmentof novel functional organic fluorophores and exploration of theirbiological imaging and therapeutic applications.

Keywords:Aggregation-induced emission, Multi-photon absorbing materials,Functional organic fluorophores, Bioimaging, Phototheranostics


OrganicChemistry C

StructuralTheory of Organic Chemistry

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Preparationof near-infrared organic nanocrystals based oncrystallization-induced emission enhancement materials and theirbioimaging applications, Grant No. 22105057, National NaturalScience Foundation of China, 2022.01.01-2024.12.31.

  2. Preparation,structure-property relationship and biological application offunctional organic fluorescent aggregates, Grant No. JZ2023HGTB0228,the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,2023.04.01- 2024.12.31.

  3. Designand synthesis of highly efficient NIR-II luminescentphotosensitizers and their applications in cancer theranostics,Grant No. 2022LCX022, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project ofOverseas Returnees in Anhui Province, 2022.11-2023.11

SelectedAwards and Honors:

TheThird Prize of Anhui Natural Science Award, 2020.

AnhuiProvince Hundred Talents Plan, 2022.


  1. ZhengZheng*,Yuchen Yang, Pingping Wang, Xuexin Gou, Junyi Gong, Xiaoqian Wu,Zhiwei Bao, Lijie Liu, Jing Zhang, Hang Zou*, Lei Zheng*, and BenZhong Tang*. A Bright Two-Photon Lipid Droplets Probe withViscosity-Enhanced Solvatochromic Emission for Visualizing LipidMetabolic Disorders in Deep Tissues, Adv.Funct. Mater.,2023, 2303627.

  2. ZhengZheng*,Tianyu Yang, Dongyu Li, Hui Cao, Junyi Gong, Haixiang Liu,Chengcheng Zhou, Lijie Liu, Peifa Wei, Xinggui Gu, Ping Lu, JunQian*, and Ben Zhong Tang*. Molecular and Aggregate SynergisticEngineering of Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens to ManipulateOptical/Electronic Properties for Efficient and DiversifiedFunctions, ACSNano,2023, 17, 8782-8795.

  3. ZhengZheng*#,Hequn Zhang#, Hui Cao, Junyi Gong, Mubin He, Xuexin Gou, TianyuYang, Peifa Wei, Jun Qian, Wang Xi*, Ben Zhong Tang*. Intra- andIntermolecular Synergistic Engineering of Aggregation-InducedEmission Luminogens to Boost Three-Photon Absorption forThrough-Skull Brain Imaging, ACSNano,2022, 16, 6444-6454.

  4. YanhongDuo*#, Meng Suo#, Daoming Zhu, Zihuang Li*, ZhengZheng*,Ben Zhong Tang*. AIEgen-Based Bionic Nanozymes for theInterventional Photodynamic Therapy-Based Treatment of OrthotopicColon Cancer, ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces,2022, 14, 26394-26403.

  5. XinghuaYu, Ying-Chuan Zhang, Xing Yang, Ziyang Huang, Tianfu Zhang, LiusiYang, Wenjing Meng, Xiaotong Liu, Ping Gong, Alessandra Forni, ZhengZheng*,Bilu Liu, Pengfei Zhang*, Lintao Cai, Ben Zhong Tang*.Bonsai-inspired AIE nanohybrid photosensitizer based on vermiculitenanosheets for ferroptosis-assisted oxygen self-sufficientphotodynamic cancer therapy, NanoToday,2022, 44, 101477.

  6. TianfuZhang#, Jianyu Zhang#, Fu-Bing Wang#, Hui Cao, Daoming Zhu, XiaoyuChen, Changhuo Xu, Xueqin Yang, Wenbin Huang, Zhaoyu Wang, JiefeiWang, Zikai He, ZhengZheng*,Jacky W. Y. Lam*, Ben Zhong Tang*. Mitochondria-TargetingPhototheranostics by Aggregation-Induced NIR-II Emission Luminogens:Modulating Intramolecular Motion by Electron Acceptor Engineeringfor Multi-Modal Synergistic Therapy, Adv.Funct. Mater.,2022, 2110526.

  7. YanhongDuo#, Daoming Zhu#, Xiurong Sun#, Meng Suo, ZhengZheng*,Wei Jiang*, Ben Zhong Tang*. Patient-derived microvesicles/AIEluminogen hybrid system for personalized sonodynamic cancer therapyin patient-derived xenograft models, Biomaterials,2021, 272, 120755.

  8. ZhengZheng#,Haixiang Liu#, Shaodong Zhai, Haoke Zhang, Guogang Shan, Ryan T. K.Kwok, Chao Ma, Herman H. Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams, Jacky W. Y. Lam,Kam Sing Wong, Xianglong Hu*, Ben Zhong Tang*. Highly efficientsinglet oxygen generation, two-photon photodynamic therapy andmelanoma ablation by rationally designed mitochondria-specificnear-infrared AIEgens, Chem.Sci.,2020, 11, 2494-2503.

  9. ZhengZheng#,Dongyu Li#, Zhiyang Liu, Hui-Qing Peng, Herman H. Y. Sung, Ryan T.K. Kwok, Ian D. Williams, Jacky W. Y. Lam, Jun Qian*, Ben ZhongTang*. Aggregation-Induced Nonlinear Optical Effects of AIEgenNanocrystals for Ultra-Deep In Vivo Bio-Imaging, Adv.Mater.,2019, 1904799.

  10. ZhengZheng#,Tianfu Zhang#, Haixiang Liu#, Yuncong Chen, Ryan T. K. Kwok, ChaoMa, Pengfei Zhang, Herman H. Y. Sung, Ian D. Williams, Jacky W. Y.Lam, Kam Sing Wong, Ben Zhong Tang*. Bright Near-InfraredAggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens with Strong Two-PhotonAbsorption, Excellent Organelle Specificity, and EfficientPhotodynamic Therapy Potential, ACSNano,2018, 12, 8145-8159.