Yunsheng Ding


FacultyName:Yunsheng Ding


Position:Deputy Dean Director of Graduate School and Office Director ofGraduate Academic Affairs

Office:Room 325, Administrative Building 2



M.S.,Materials Science, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1994-1997

Ph.D.,Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2000-2003

Postdoc,Instituteof Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences,2004-2005


YunshengDing received the Ph.D. degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics fromUniversity of Science and Technology of China in 2003 and a in Materials Science from Hefei University of Technology in1997. During the period 2004-2005, he was a postdoctoral member ofthe Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences, and from2006-2007 he was a visiting professor of the Centre for Material andFiber Innovation at Deakin University. During the period 1997-2020,Prof. Ding worked in the School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering, Hefei University of Technology, and has served aslecturer, associate professor (2002), professor (2007), andsecond-level professor (2019). And in fall of 2020, Prof. Ding wasappointed Deputy Dean Director of Graduate School and Office Directorof Graduate Academic Affairs.

Prof.Ding is the executive deputy director of Anhui Key Laboratory ofAdvanced Functional Materials and Devices, director of the Instituteof Polymer Materials and Chemical Industry, member of the PolymerCommittee of the Chinese Chemical Society, senior member of the IonicLiquid Committee of the Industry and Engineering Society of China,member of the Technical Committee of the R&D Center forEnergy-saving and Environmental Protection Technology of HighwayTraffic of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications of China, member of the Mining Materials Committee of the China CoalSociety, member of the Municipal Bridge and Underground EngineeringCommittee of the Civil Engineering and Architectural Society of AnhuiProvince, Director of Expert Committee of National Special Wire andCable Product Quality and Inspection Center (Anhui), StandingDirector of Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of Anhui,Chairman of Coatings Committee of Chemical Industry and EngineeringSociety of Anhui, and so on. Prof. Ding is also an evaluation expertof National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology and NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, and a reviewer of many importantacademic journals in China and abroad.

Inrecent years, as a project leader, Prof. Ding has presided over andcompleted 3 top-level projects of National Natural Science Foundationof China, 2 sub-projects of National Key Research and DevelopmentProgram, 1 joint project of NSFC, 1 sub-project of National "863"Project, 1 project of AVIC, 1 project of Anhui Provincial Openbidding Project, 1 project of Anhui Provincial Scientific andTechnological Achievement Engineering Research and DevelopmentProject, and more than 100 scientific and technological projectsentrusted by enterprises. Professor Ding has published more than 300high-level papers as the first/corresponding author, and was invitedto participate in more than 80 international and domestic academicconferences, possessed more than 30 national authorized inventionpatents. At present, he has supervised 146 master's degree students,including 103 graduated master's degree students, 8 graduateddoctoral degree students (including 1 foreign doctoral degreestudent).


Fieldof research: Materials Science, Chemical Engineering and Technology.

Currentresearch interests: Synthesis and application of high-performancepolymer resins; Structure control and high performance of polymermaterials; Design and engineering of polymer materials; Design andindustrialization of bio-based polymer materials.

KeyWords: High-performance polymer resins; Bio-based polymer materials;Degradable polymer; Functional composites; Industrialization.


Undergraduatecourses: "Polymer Chemistry", "Molecular Design ofPolymers".

Postgraduatecourses: "New Methods of Polymer Synthesis", "Synthesisand Preparation of Polymer Materials", "Energy andFunctional Polymer Materials", "Comprehensive Utilizationof Waste Resources".

SelectedFunded Projects:

(1)CO2-triggeredhydrophobic/hydrophilic switchable polyurethane: Synthesis,dispersion, and properties, Grant No.51673056,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017.01-2020.12

(2)Research on the Induction and Regulation Mechanism of Ionic LiquidOligomer with Topological Structure on Polylactic Acid/BiodegradablePolyester Interface, Grant No. 51373045, National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, 2014.01-2017.12

(3)Interaction between Green Ionic Liquid and PLLA and Its Influence onthe Structural Evolution and Properties, Grant No. 50973025, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China, 2010.01-2012.12

(4)Key Technology and Equipment for Recycling of Waste Concrete SandPowder, Grant No. 2020YFC1909900, National Key Research andDevelopment Program of China, 2020.11-2024.10

(5)Key Technology for Mass Production of Large-Size InsulationComponents in Ultra-High Voltage Systems, Grant No.2017YFB0903803,National Key Research and Development Program of China,2017.06-2020.07

(6)Key Technologies for Manufacturing and Application of FoamingWaterborne Polyurethane, Grant No. 2015AA033903NationalHigh-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program), 2015.01-2017.12

(7)Design and preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid root-type coatingsand its application in Marine Engineering, Grant No. U2001223,National Natural Science Foundation of China (KeyProgram),2021.01-2024.12

(8)Key Technology Research and Development of Bio-based Polyurethane RawMaterials and Products Manufacturing, Grant No. 2021e03020008, MajorScientific and Technological Projects of Anhui Province,2021.10-2024.10

(9)Industrialization of Cables for Fu-Xing Express, Grant No.201903c08020009MajorScientific and Technological Achievements Engineering Research andDevelopment Projects in Anhui Province, 2019.07-2022.06

(10)Research and Development of Modified Polylactic Acid Resin forFermentation Industry, Grant No. JZ2020YDZJ0333Projectof Industrial Innovation Guidance Fund for School-Local Cooperation,2020.07-2021.12

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2ndprize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Anhui Province(2017, 2019)

3rdprize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Anhui Province(2013, 2013, 2015)

3rdprize for Graduate Student Teaching Achievements of Anhui Province(2022)

3rdprize for Progress in Science and Technology of China National CoalAssociation (2013, 2018)

3rdprize for the 6th National Safety Scientific and TechnicalAchievements (2015)

OutstandingTeacher Award of Baosteel Education Foundation, Ministry of Education(2013)

OutstandingMaster's Thesis Supervisor of Hefei University of Technology (2007,2008)

OutstandingUndergraduate Thesis Supervisor of Hefei University of Technology(2009)


[1]Yiyang Zhou, QiuyueMeng, Ming Chen, Chenxi Wang, Haibing Wei, YunshengDing*,et al. An effectiveway to control the radical reaction and its mechanism in EPDM underγ-ray irradiation. npjMaterials Degradation,2023, 7(1): 17.

[2]Yiyang Zhou, Guolong Sang, Miao Yu, Pei Xu, YunshengDing*.Electrical and magnetic network design for improving electromagneticinterference shielding performance of waterborne polyurethanefabrics. MaterialsLetters,2022, 314: 131862.

[3]Zhaofei Wang, Xuemin Zhang, Xiaoyu Dong, Huagao Fang, Guobing Zhang*,YunshengDing*,et al. Dynamically cross-linked waterborne polyurethanes:Transalkylation exchange of C–N bonds toward high performance andreprocessable thermosets.ACS Applied Polymer Materials,2022, 4(8): 5920-5926.

[4]Wansheng Yao, Xinwen Xu, Ping Wang, Baiyao Zhang, Yiyang Zhou,YunshengDing*,et al. Mechanically robust and flame-retarded EPDM composites withhigh loading of Mg(OH)2based on reversible crosslinking network from Diels-Alder reactions.PolymerDegradation and Stability,2022, 202: 110029.

[5]Xuechao Wang, Haibing We, Hongmei Xu, Xueliang Li, Guobing Zhang,YunshengDing*,et al. Synthesis of highly efficient non-lethal repellent for ratsfrom natural capsaicin and its influence on properties of EVA.PolymerTesting,2021, 103: 107365.

[6]Kai Song, Wujin Ye, Huagao Fang*, Shanzhong Yang, Haibing Wei,Yunsheng Ding*,et al.  Synergy between dynamic covalent boronic ester andboron–nitrogen coordination: strategy for self-healing polyurethaneelastomers at room temperature with unprecedented mechanicalproperties. MaterialsHorizons,2021, 8(1): 216-223.

[7]Guolong Sang, Jiawei Dong, Xiaotong He, Jiebai Li, Pei Xu*, YunshengDing*,et al. Electromagnetic interference shielding performance ofpolyurethane composites: A comparative study of GNs-IL/Fe3O4and MWCNTs-IL/Fe3O4.CompositesPart B: Engineering.2019, 164: 467-475.

[8]Huagao Fang, Xu Chen, Shenglin Wang, Sheng Cheng, YunshengDing*.Enhanced mechanical and oxygen barrier performance in biodegradablepolyurethanes by incorporating cellulose nanocrystals withinterfacial polylactide stereocomplexation. Cellulose.2019, 26(18): 9751-9764.

[9]Yan Li, Jujia Zhang, Hua Yang, Shanzhong Yang, Shanfu Lu*, HaibingWei*, YunshengDing*,et al. Boosting the performance of an anion exchange membrane by theformation of well-connected ion conducting channels. PolymerChemistry.2019, 10(22): 2822-2831.

[10]Haibing Wei, Yan Li, Sheng Wang, Sheng Cheng, Shanzhong Yang,YunshengDing*,et al. Side-chain-type imidazolium-functionalized anion exchangemembranes: The effects of additional hydrophobic side chains andtheir hydrophobicity. Journalof Membrane Science.2019, 579: 219-229.