Longxiang Tang


FacultyName:Longxiang Tang



Office:721, Shenghua Building




B.S.,PolymerMaterials and Engineering,HefeiUniversity of Technology,1994-1998

M.S.,MaterialsScience,HefeiUniversity of Technology,1998-2001

Ph.D.,PolymerChemistryand Physics,Universityof Science and Technology of China,2001-2004

Postdoc,MaterialsScience,CaseWestern Reserve University,2009-2010


Ihave been engaged in the theoretical and applied research work ofpolymer matrix composites since 1998. In recent years, a series ofstudies have been conducted on the surface modification of inorganicrigid particles and its application in modification of polymermaterials, and some research results have been obtained.

Asproject leader, the subject head or main personnel participated inthe National Natural Science Foundation programs, such as “Studieson the preparation of "sealing" magnetic nanotubes and itsapplication as a targeted drug carrier", "Surface graftingseries polymer onto carbon nanotubes via RAFT polymerization and itsapplication", "Studies on the preparation of sand modifiedby polymer and its influence mechanism on cement matrix compositematerial "; Anhui Province Science and Technology researchprojects "Application of nanomaterials in plastic buildingmaterials" and "Nanocomposite plastic film", I haveachieved fruitful research results, won the first prize of Scienceand Technology of the Ministry of Railways, the third prize ofScience and Technology Progress of Hefei City , obtained threeauthorized patents, published more than 120 research papers with 25papers incorporated by SCI and EI.


Ourresearch is focused on the processing and modification of polymermaterials. The three critical research direction are:

(1)Synthesis of halogen-freeflame-retardant and its application in polymer materials;

(2)UVcrosslinking technology of polyoelfins;

(3)Highperformance utilization of waste polymer materials.


UndergraduateCourse:Polymer Physics, Modificationof Polymeric Materials,PolymerPhysics Experiment

GraduateCourse: Modification of Polymeric Materials

SelectedFunded Projects:

  1. Surfacegrafting series polymer onto carbon nanotubes via RAFTpolymerization and its applicationGrantNo. 50573016,National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2008-2010.

  2. Studieson the preparation of sand modified by polymer and its influencemechanism on cement matrix composite materialGrantNo. 51372059, National Natural Science Foundation of China,2014-2017.

  3. Thejoint research and development center for high performance andenvironmentally friendly wood plastic building formwork, Grant No.W2015JSZX0334, Enterprise commissioned project, 2015-2020.

  4. Studieson green lead-free additives and their influence on pipelineperformance, Grant No. W2018JSKF0290, Enterprise commissionedproject, 2018-2019.

  5. Developmentof high-performance foam building formwork, Grant No. W2017JSKF0714,Enterprise commissioned project, 2017-2018.

  6. Deepprocessing and modification of recycled environmentally friendlypolymer materials, Grant No. W2022JSFW1146, Enterprise commissionedproject, 2022-2023.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2007:The third prize of science and technology progress of Hefei city

2008:Themost popular teacher 

2013:Excellent guidance teacher for undergraduate graduation design(thesis)

2014:Thefirst prize of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Railways

2016:Advancedindividual in "ThreeAspects of Cultivating People" of HFUT

2018:Advanced individual in enrollment propaganda

2022:Excellent guidance teacher for undergraduate graduation design(thesis)


1FanZhao, Zhili Guo, Wan Chen, LongxiangTang*.Synergistic Effects of Pentaerythritol with Aluminum Hypophosphite inFlame Retardant Etthylene-Vinyl Acetate Composites. PolymerComposites, 2018,39(7): 2299-2306.

2GuoqiangZhang, Daniel Brannum, Daxuan Dong, LongxiangTang*, ElshadAllahyarov, Saide Tang, et al. InterfacialPolarization-Induced Loss Mechanisms inPolypropylene/BaTiO3 NanocompositeDielectrics. Chemistryof Materials,2016, 28 (13), 4646–4660. 

3LongxiangTang*,Manqing Yan, Chunhua Liu, Pinghua Wang, Baojun Qu. The effect ofUV-photocrosslinking on the non-isothermal crystallization kineticsof polyethylene. Journalof Applied Polymer Science2008,108, 174-180.

4)LongxiangTang*,Manqing Yan, Baojun Qu*.The effect of photodegradation on the non-isothermal crystallizationkinetics of polypropylene. Journalof Applied Polymer Science2006,99, 2068-2075.

5)LongxiangTang,Qianghua Wu, Baojun Qu*.The effects of chemical structure and synthesis method onphotodegradation of polypropylene. Journalof Applied Polymer Science,2005, 95, 270-279.

6)LongxiangTang,Baojun Qu*,Xiaofeng Shen. Mechanical Properties, Morphological Structure andThermal Behavior of Dynamically Photocrosslinked PP/EPDM Blends.Journalof Applied Polymer Science,2004, 92, 3371-3380.

7)亓文丽汪子健唐龙祥*.PPC/Si-g-PCL 纳米复合材料的结构与性能高分子材料科学与工程2020368:74-80. 

8)曹玉娟,亓文丽,唐龙祥*.PEO/Si-g-PEG 纳米复合材料的制备与性能高分子材料科学与工程2019355:123-128. 

9) 王超,胡赵磊,赵建勋,王翔,唐龙祥*.动态硫化法制备PET/EPDM-g-GMA合金高分子材料科学与工程2018344:141-146. 

10) 胡赵磊,方武,赵建勋,王平华,唐龙祥*.动态硫化法制备尼龙 12/氯丁橡胶高韧合金高分子材料科学与工程2018346:151-155.