Pei Xu


FacultyName:Pei Xu


Office:510, Shenghua Building



B.S.,Polymer Materials and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1997-2001

M.S.,Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2002-2005

Ph.D.,Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Physics, Universityof Science and Technology of China,2008-2011


Presidedover the National Natural Science Foundation Project, AnhuiProvincial Natural Science Foundation Project, and the School LocalCooperation Industry Innovation Guidance Fund Project. Studieddielectric and electromagnetic shielding polymer composites,Biodegradable polymer based composite materials.


  1. Structuralregulation and high performance of polylactic acid based composites

(2)Ionic liquid modified carbon nanofillers and enhanced dielectric andelectromagnetic shielding properties of polymer composites


ResearchMethods for Polymer Materials, Polymerization reaction engineering

SelectedFunded Projects:

(1)The school local cooperation industry innovation guidance fundproject "Development of high-temperature self formed carbon,flame retardant, anti droplet, and biodegradable polylactic acidmaterials" (No. JZ2020YDZJ0334)

(2)National Natural Science Foundation of China Project "Researchon the Strengthening, Compatibilization, Regulation, andCollaborative Dielectric Enhancement Mechanism of Carbon Nanotubes atthe Interface of PVDF/PA11 Blends" (No. 51603060)

SelectedAwards and Honors:

2019Anhui Province Science and Technology Progress Second Prize


[1]Pei Xu*,Hanyang Chen, Xin Zhou, Hongfa Xiang*,Gel polymer electrolyte based on PVDF-HFP matrix composited withrGO-PEG-NH2 for high-performance lithium ion battery, Journal ofMembrane Science, 2021, 617:118660.

[2]Ping Wang, Yiyang Zhou, Xianhai Hu, Feng Wang, Jianli Chen, Pei Xu*,Yunsheng Ding*,Improved mechanical and dielectric properties of PLA/EMA-GMAnanocomposites based on ionic liquids and MWCNTs, Composites Scienceand Technology, 2020, 200:108347.

[3]Guolong Sang, Jiawei Dong, Xiaotong He, Pei Xu*,Yunsheng Ding*,Electromagnetic interference shielding performance of polyurethanecomposites: A comparative study of GNs-IL/Fe3O4 and MWCNTs-IL/Fe3O4hybrid fillers, Composites Part B, 2019, 164:467-475.

[4]Pei Xu*,Weijia Fu, Yadong Hu, Yunsheng Ding*,Effect of annealing treatment on crystalline and dielectricproperties of PVDF/PEG-containing ionic liquid composites, CompositesScience and Technology, 2018, 158:1-8.

[5]Pei Xu*,Haoguan Gui, Xiaoxi Wang, Yadong Hu, Yunsheng Ding*,Improved dielectric properties of nanocomposites based onpolyvinylidene fluoride and ionic liquid-functionalized graphene,Composites Science and Technology, 2015, 117:282-288.

[6]Yadong Hu, Pei Xu*,Haoguan Gui, Xiaoxi Wang, Yunsheng Ding*,Effect of imidazolium phosphate and multiwalled carbon nanotubes onthermal stability and flame retardancy of polylactide, CompositesPart A, 2015, 77:147-153.

[7]Pei Xu*,Weijia Fu, Zhaopei Cui, Yunsheng Ding*,Enhancement of polar phase and conductivity relaxation inPIL-modified GO/PVDF composites, Applied Physics Letters, 2018,112:063904.

[8]Pei Xu*,Weijia Fu, Zhaopei Cui, Yunsheng Ding*,Synergistic promotion of polar phase crystallization of PVDF by ionicliquid with PEG segment, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 444:480-484.

[9]Guolong Sang, Pei Xu*,Chao Liu, Ping Wang, Xianhai Hu, Yunsheng Ding*,Synergetic effect of Ni@MWCNTs and hybrid MWCNTs on electromagneticinterference shielding performances of polyurethane-matrix compositefoams, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020,59:15233-15241.

[10]Ping Wang, Pei Xu*,Yiyang Zhou, Youwen Yang, Yunsheng Ding*,Effect of MWCNTs and P[MMA-IL] on the crystallization and dielectricbehavior of PVDF composites, European Polymer Journal, 2018,99:58-64.