Weibing Xu


FacultyName:Weibing Xu



Office:401, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Polymer chemical engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1984-1988

M.S.,Polymer materials, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1988-1991

Ph.D.,Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Universityof Science and Technology of China,1998-2001


1991.3to present, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, HefeiUniversity of Technology. 2002.4-2004.2, Visiting Scholar at WesternKentucky University Mainly engaged in research on polymer composites,polymer synthesis and modification, and polymer process, publishedmore than 100 papers and authorized more than 60 Chinese patents.


Thermalconductive polymer composites, polymer processing, flame retardantand smoke suppressive silicone oil.

Keywords:polymer composites,polymerprocessing, smoke suppressive silicone oil


Polymerprocess engineering, Structure and properties of polymer

SelectedFunded Projects:

1)Self reinforced thermal conductive polymer composites, AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Special Project, 17030901076,2017-2019.

2)High strength flame retardant and wear-resistant nylon for automotivecomponents, Anhui Province Key Research and Development Plan,11010202138, 2011-2012.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

1)Hu Wei, Zhou Zhengfa, Wu Lei, Ma Haihong, Li Wangyang, Ren Fengmei,Zhang Deshun, Xu Weibing, Wang Ruoyu, Xu Fengjin. Research anddevelopment of high performance lithium battery separators, AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Award, First Prize, 2020.

2)Xu Weibing, Shi Wendong, Zhou Zhengfa, Zhu Jianxun, Huang Zhen, MaHaihong, Xing Chaodong, Ren Fengmei. Key technology research andindustrialization of functional regenerated polyester fiber, AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Award, Second Prize, 2018.


1)Xu Shi, WeibingXu*,Zhengfa Zhou, Haihong Ma, Fengmei Ren. Preparation and properties ofsmoke suppressive silicone oil modified by dicyandiamide, Silicon,2023, 15: 4325-4334.

2)Fengmei Ren, Qiang Xu, Zhengfa Zhou, WeibingXu*,Haihong Ma. Synthesis and characterization of high heat resistanthydroxyl silicone oil with boron and sulfoxide in backbone, Silicon,2019, 12: 2203-2210.

3)Meng Li, Fengmei Ren, Haihong Ma, WeibingXu,Zhengfa Zhou*. Effect of double bond position and density onproperties of UV-induced bio-based polyurethane adhesion-reducingadhesives, InternationalJournal of Adhesion and Adhesives,2023, 124: 103381.

4)Caixing Feng, Haihong Ma, Fengmei Ren, Zhengfa Zhou*, WeibingXu.Synthesis of fully bio-based branched unsaturated polyester oligomersand UV curing coatings, Journalof Coatings Technology and Research,(2023.6.12/doi.org/10.1007/s11998-023-00778-3)

5)Zhengfa Zhou, Hongkun Shen, Fengmei Ren*, Haihong Ma, WeibingXu,Shuqian Zhou. An outstanding heat-resistant hydroxyl boron–siliconeoil with,hyperconjugation action in backbone. Journalof Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2018, 132(3): 1825-1831.