Zhengfa Zhou


FacultyName:Zhengfa Zhou



Office:401, Shenghua Building




B.S.,Polymer Materials, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1986-1990

M.S.,Applied Chemistry, HefeiUniversity of Technology,1990-1993

Ph.D.,Materials Science, ShanghaiJiao Tong University,1998-2001


1993.4-1998.8Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection of AnhuiProvince. 2001.7-2004.2 Shanghai Chloroalkali Chemical Co., Ltd.2004.3 to present, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering,Hefei University of Technology. Mainly engaged in research on polymercomposites, bonding and debonding adhesives, and polyimide synthesis,published more than 60 papers and authorized more than 50 Chinesepatents.


Thermalconductive but insulation polymer composites, bonding and debondingadhesives, heat-resistant silicone oil.

Keywords:polymer composites, heat-resistant silicone oil, adhesives


Polymerprocess engineering

SelectedFunded Projects:

1)High performance soft packaging film for power lithium batteries,Anhui Provincial Science and Technology Special Project, 18030901072,2018-2020.

2)High insulation functional film for laminated electric vehicles,Anhui Province Key Research and Development Plan, 1704a0902024,2016-2018.

3)Preparation and mechanism of sulfur semiconductor/fluorocarbonpolymer fiber catalysts for hydrogen production from waterdecomposition by solar energy, National Natural Science Foundation ofChina, 20776034, 2008-2010.

SelectedAwards and Honors:

1)Hu Wei, Zhou Zhengfa, Wu Lei, Ma Haihong, Li Wangyang, Ren Fengmei,Zhang Deshun, Xu Weibing, Wang Ruoyu, Xu Fengjin. Research anddevelopment of high performance lithium battery separators, AnhuiProvincial Science and Technology Award, First Prize, 2020.


1)Meng Li, Fengmei Ren, Haihong Ma, Weibing Xu, ZhengfaZhou*.Effect of double bond position and density on properties ofUV-induced bio-based polyurethane adhesion-reducing adhesives,InternationalJournal of Adhesion and Adhesives,2023, 124: 103381.

2)Caixing Feng, Haihong Ma, Fengmei Ren, ZhengfaZhou*,Weibing Xu. Synthesis of fully bio-based branched unsaturatedpolyester oligomers and UV curing coatings, Journalof Coatings Technology and Research,(2023.6.12/doi.org/10.1007/s11998-023-00778-3)

3)Fengmei Ren, Jian Wu, Haihong Ma, ZhengfaZhou*,Weibing Xu. The effect of BN/Al2O3 in-situ self-assembling on thermalconductivity of polypropylene composites, Polymersand Polymer Composites,2022, 30: 1-9.

4)Haihong Ma, Shuo Li, Zhesheng Jin, Yiwen Tian, Fengmei Ren, Zhengfazhou*,Weibing Xu. Effect of 17-4PH stainless steel powders interaction onfeedstocks, PowderTechnology,2020, 372: 204–211.

5)ZhengfaZhou,Hongkun Shen, Fengmei Ren*, Haihong Ma, Weibing Xu, Shuqian Zhou. Anoutstanding heat-resistant hydroxyl boron–silicone oilwith,hyperconjugation action in backbone. Journalof Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,2018, 132(3): 1825-1831.