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(1)国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,No. 22108052, 煤与富氢资源联供制乙二醇系统多目标优化集成与能耗消减机制研究,2022-01至2024-12,30万元,在研,主持;


(3)安徽省自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,No. 1908085QB69,低碳高效的煤制乙二醇过程开发与多目标优化,2019-07至2021-06,10万元,已结题,主持;










安徽省科学技术奖三等奖 1项(2020,排名7/10)


授权发明专利 4项

 [1]  一种集成化学链和二氧化碳利用技术的煤制甲醇系统及方法, 2018-3-19, 中国, ZL201810224796.7. 

 [2]  一种固体热载体油页岩炼制集成干馏气制氢系统及工艺, 2014-11-17, 中国, ZL201410652443.9. 

 [3] 一种油页岩干馏气化学链制氢联合发电系统及工艺, 2014-8-29, 中国, ZL201410436632.2. 

 [4] 一种油页岩炼油集成伴生煤气化制氢综合利用系统及工艺, 2014-6-11, 中国, ZL201410259090.6. 


[1] Conceptual design, techno-economic and environmental evaluation of a coal-based polygeneration process for ethylene glycol and polymethoxy dimethyl ethers production. Journal of Cleaner Production 2021, 298: 126757. 

[2] Opportunities for CO2 utilization in coal to green fuel process: optimal design and performance evaluation. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8: 1329-1342.

[3] Optimal design and exergy analysis of biomass-to-ethylene glycol process. Bioresource Technology 2020, 275: 123972. 

[4] Technoeconomic and environmental evaluation of oil shale to liquid fuels process in comparison with conventional oil refining process. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 255: 120198. 

[5] Technoeconomic and environmental analysis of ethylene glycol production from coal and natural gas compared with oil-based production. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 273: 123120. 

[6] Comparative techno-economic analysis of oil-based and coal-based ethylene glycol processes. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, 198: 111814. 

[7] Thermodynamic and techno-economic analysis of coal to ethylene glycol process (CtEG) with different coal gasifiers. Energy Conversion and Management 2019, 191: 80-92. 

[8] Efficient utilization of CO2 in a coal to ethylene glycol process integrated with dry/steam-mixed reforming: conceptual design and techno-economic analysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019; 7: 3496-3510. 

[9] Life cycle comparison of greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption for coal and oil shale to liquid fuels. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2019; 144: 74-81. 

[10] Process simulation, analysis and optimization of a coal to ethylene glycol process. Energy 2018; 155: 521-534. 

[11] Composite Metric for Simultaneous Technical and Economic Analysis and Optimization of Energy Conversion Processes. Journal of Cleaner Production 2018; 179: 266-277.

[12] Development of a coke oven gas assisted coal to ethylene glycol process for high techno-economic performance and low emission. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2018; 57: 7600-7612.

[13] Simulation, exergy analysis and optimization of a shale oil hydrogenation process for clean fuels production. Applied Thermal Engineering 2018; 140: 102-111. 

[14] Advanced exergy analysis of an oil shale retorting process. Applied Energy 2016; 165: 405-415. 

[15] Framework for Advanced Exergoeconomic Performance Analysis and Optimization of an Oil Shale Retorting Process. Energy 2016; 109: 62-76. 

[16] Conceptual design and techno-economic evaluation of efficient oil shale refinery process with oil and gas products upgradation. Energy Conversion and Management 2016; 126: 898-908. 

[17] Application of House of Quality in evaluation of low rank coal pyrolysis polygeneration technologies. Energy Conversion and Management 2015; 99: 231-241. 

[18] Development of an Oil Shale Retorting Process Integrated with Chemical Looping for Hydrogen Production. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2015; 54: 6156-6164. 

[19] 石油与煤路线制乙二醇过程的技术经济分析. 化工学报 2020; 71(5): 2164-2172. 

[20] 集成CO2高效利用的煤制乙二醇过程设计与系统分析. 化工学报 2019; 70(2): 772-779. 

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