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2001年8月-2007年12月,美国弗吉尼亚理工大学化学工程系(Virginia Tech, Department of Chemical Engineering),博士,导师:Erdogan Kiran教授
2008年3月-2011年1月,美国弗吉尼亚联邦大学化学工程与生命科学系(Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Chemical & Life Science Engineering),博士后,导师:Mark A McHugh教授








迄今已在Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,Journal of Supercritical Fluids,Polymer,Fuel等著名化学工程和高分子领域国际期刊上发表论文多篇。


  (1)合肥工业大学校博士专项科研资助基金“以二氧化碳膨胀的有机液体作为抗溶剂的高分子溶液电喷过程研究No. 2012HGBZ0628

  (2)国家教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研新教师基金高压二氧化碳膨胀抗溶剂中静电喷雾过程与机理研究No. 2013JYXJ0642 

  (3)安徽省科技厅安徽省自然科学基金面上项目高压流体中超支化聚合物与线性聚合物共混物相行为与共混过程研究No. J2014AKZR0038 

  (4)合肥工业大学应用培育计划项目绿色颗粒肥料产业化关键设备(分段式流化床颗粒包膜装置)与核心工艺技术研发No. ,JZ2016YYPY0038

  (5)上海烟草集团卷烟烟气重点实验室开发项目(横向)“抗氧化抗自由基滤嘴添加剂配方筛选与添加工艺研究”(No. ,W2016JSKF0383

  (6)安徽省科技厅安徽省科技攻关计划项目“皮山石榴专用新型肥料研制与应用示范”(No. JZ2018AKKG0331







   刘昆,刘训伟,程震,蒲明东,一种能够溶解聚乙二醇的低共熔溶剂及其溶解方法,发明专利,ZL 2018 1 0310561.X 

   刘昆,高勇,袁渭康,高温高压视窗,国家实用新型专利, ZL99226199.6 

   刘昆,高勇,袁渭康,超临界与近临界流体测量与控制装置,发明专利公开号: CN1243252A


1. M. D. Pu, K. Liu, M. N. Zhang, P. F. Yuan, J. Y Cai, Microparticles and microcapsules from the solvent extraction of deep eutectic solvent-based emulsion , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(2020), 2892-2898.

2. X. N. Deng, S. H. Ye, K. Liu, C. F. Li, F. Z. Liu, X. M. Yan, Permeability of N, P, K-fertilizer nutrient and water vapor through PLA, PLA/PS, and PLA/HA membranes, Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 22(2020), 61-68. 

3. X. N. Deng, X,Z. Han, X. G. Hu, S. F. Zheng, and K. Liu, Enzyme-Catalyzed Starch Esterification in Deep Eutectic Solvent, ChemistrySelect, 4(2019), 565-569.

4. X. N. Deng, K. Liu, X. Z. Han, X. G Hu, S. F. Zheng, Permeability of P and K-nutrient through polystyrene membrane from aqueous solutions of urea + KH2PO4, Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 20(2018), 113-122.

5. X. Li, L. Bei, Z. Sun, K. Liu, X. Zhang and X. Z. Han, Permeation of fertilizer nutrients through polymer membrane: part I. Effect of P, K, and micronutrient fertilizer on permeability of urea, Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 11(2016), 305-313

6. K. Liu, Z. Sun, M. Nie, Y. Wu, Electrospraying in carbon dioxide-expanded antisolvent, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 103 (2015), 122-129.

7. 安徽省地方标准,DB34/T 2159-2014, 棉花缓释复混(复合)肥料,金国清、金正辉、刘昆、郑曙峰、林枫、徐为宁、洪怀忠、梁友坤、张文明。安徽省司尔特肥业股份有限公司、合肥工业大学、安徽省标准化研究院、安徽省产品质量监督检验研究院。2014-8-28公布,2014-9-28实施。 

8. H. O. Baled, D. Xing, H. Katz, D. Tapriyal, I. K. Gamwo, Y. Soong, B. A. Bamgbade, Y. Wu, K. Liu, M. A. McHugh, R. M. Enick, Viscosity of n-hexadecane, n-octadecane and n-eicosane at pressures up to 243 MPa and temperatures up to 534 K, J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 72 (2014) 108–116.

9. Y. Wu, K. Liu, B. A. Bamgbade, M. A. McHugh, Investigation on the solidification of several pure cyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons at pressures to 300 MPa, Fuel, 111 (2013) 75–80. 

10. Y. Wu, B. Bamgbade, K. Liu, M. A. McHugh, H. Baled, R. M. Enick, W. Burgess, D. Tapriyal, B. D Morreale, Experimental measurements and equation of state modeling of liquid densities for long-chain nalkanes at pressures to 265 MPa and temperatures to 523 K, Fluid Phase Equilibria 311, (2011) 17-24. 

11. K. Liu, Y. Wu, M. A. McHugh, Hsseen Baled, Robert M. Enick, and Bryan D. Morreale, Equation of state modeling of high-pressure, high-temperature hydrocarbon density data, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 55, (2010) 701-710. 

12. E. Kiran, K. Liu, and K. Ramsdell, Morphological changes in poly (ε-caprolactone) in dense carbon dioxide, Polymer, 49, (2008) 1853-1859. 

13. K. Liu and E. Kiran, High-pressure solution blending of poly(ε-caprolactone) with poly(methyl methacrylate) in acetone + carbon dioxide, Polymer, 49, (2008) 1555-1561.

14. K. Liu and E. Kiran, Viscosity, density and excess volume of acetone + carbon dioxide mixtures at high pressures, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46, (2007) 5453-5462. 

15. K. Liu and E. Kiran, Density and viscosity as real-time probes for progress of high-pressure polymerizations: Polymerization of methyl methacrylate in acetone, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 47, (2008) 5039-5047. 

16. K. Liu and E. Kiran, A tunable mixture solvent for poly (ε-caprolactone): Acetone + carbon dioxide, Polymer, 48(19), (2007) 5612-5625. 

17. K. Liu, F. Schuch, E. Kiran, High pressure viscosity and density of poly(methyl methacrylate) + acetone and poly(methyl methacrylate) + acetone + CO2 systems, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 39, (2006) 89-101.

18. K. Liu and E. Kiran, Miscibility, viscosity and density of poly (ε-caprolactone) in acetone + carbon dioxide binary fluid mixtures, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 39, (2006) 192-200.

19. G. Upper, W. Zhang, D. Beckel, S. Shon, K. Liu and E. Kiran, Phase boundaries and crystallization in polyethylene in-n-pentane and n-pentane + carbon dioxide fluid mixtures, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, (2005) 1478-1492.

20. S. R. Bitemo, K. Liu, Y. Gao, Ultrafine particle production of naphthalene under its solid and melting state by using the RESS process. J of East China University of Sci. & Tech., 27 (4), (2001) 420-430.

21. S. R. Bitemo, L. Hong, K. Liu, Y. Gao, Y. Research on Continuous Gas Anti-solvent Crystallization of Hydroquinone Using a Supercritical Fluid. J of East China University of Sci. & Tech., 27 (4), (2001) 338-340.


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